Thursday 21 February 2013

Activity 4: Uses of IT in a public sector website.

The British Army 

The British Army is pretty self explanatory, I public defence organization, their website gives a lot of useful information about the army and even allows you to sign up directly. Their website is quite well laid out, with colours that represent the army very well, a simple design so you never get lost, and easy to navigate home page.

Capturing and processing data:
This is done on the "right job for you" page.
The way it captures data is by asking you certain questions based on what kind of job you want to do, based  on the answers you give, it will process this data and give you a selection of jobs that they think will best suit you, an easy way to find a job you're looking for in the military.

Presenting and exchanging information:
This is shown in the news page.
The news page tells you about the situation in Afghanistan and what you could be dealing with if you were to join the military, basically everything you need to know about the military is covered on this page, you are also able to sign up to their newsletter, this shows how you are able to exchange information. 

Conducting transactions and Marketing of goods and services:
This is shown on the Events, Entertainment and Leisure page.
There's not as much on show here as there was on the last website I went over, the reason for this is because it's a public service and therefore is funded by the government, not needing any kind of financial support from the public. But they still have a few thinks to offer in the marketing of goods and services, or at least services, they often hold events and shows, many of these are ceremonial and do not require payment, but some of the public shows do, these can be booked on their website.

From this website it is clear that they use IT as a way to engage people into the career that they are interested in, it makes it very easy to find what job is right and is now easier than ever to sign up, it will take less than a few minutes to do so.

Metropolitan police

The Metropolitan police is once again a public service organized in order to prevent crime in the UK. The website gives you information about the service, phone numbers you can call to give or recieve any information. And also job openings are available for viewing. The website generally isn't very well laid out, the main home screen seems convoluted and it's can be hard to find what you're looking for sometimes, also the colours don't look particularly attractive or eye catching.

Presenting and exchanging information:
This is shown on the "about us" page.
Very similar to The British Army in the way it gives detailed information about the service, although this website also gives statistics on crime in the UK as well as information on how they recorded those statistics, truly in depth on the detail they give here. A detailed history of the service is also available for reading.

Capturing and processing data:
This is shown on the career page.

Much like The British Army, this website allows you to sign up to jobs as well as giving detailed information on each job, although it doesn't make it as easy as The British Army's website did, they seem to be not as focused on their job openings as they quite clearly are.

This website is very strong on giving very detailed information about the service, being able to sign up to their digital newsletter shows how they are using IT to their advantage by making people more informed, whereas The British Army were more focused on their job openings, which is understandable for the military, they use IT to make it easier for people to understand the jobs they are getting into. Overall I think that The British Army's website made better use of IT as it made it simpler to understand and find jobs, which wouldn't be as easy if not for the use of IT. Whereas The Metropolitan Police gave only information and simple job applications, which were easy to use but were generally achievable without the use of IT.  

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