The predicted weather this for week for flitwick is:
Monday: Cloud and rain, 14-9°C
This prediction was very accurate, throughout the day it was very rainy and did stay at around 14°C
Tuesday: Cloud and sun, 15- 9°C
This weather forcast was also very acturate, once again it was very cloudy but there was no rain, the temperature for this forecast was also correct as it remained at around 15°C
Wednesday:Cloud, rain and chance of sun, 15-10°C
While there was a lot of rain and cloud there was no sign of sun, although they were correct on saying that there was a chance of sun. The temperature remained accurate throughout the day.
Thursday:Cloud and rain,14-9°C
Fairly accurate prediction, although there was a small amount of sun during the day and the temperature did rise about 14°C, so this was probably there most unreliable prediciton, even though it was still correct for the most part.
Friday:Cloud, 14-9°C
Once again they were correct, it remained cloudy throughout the day, with a temperature around 14-9°C.
These predictions can be found
I had the choice over two different websites, and, I much prefered BBC's website as it gave a direct link to accurate weather predictions for my local area. Whereas's closest location was London and therefore wasn't as accurate.